Queen Maxima met with school children for Christmas Music Gala 2020

Last week, Queen Maxima met with dancer and singer Buddy Vedder and 12 school children from all provinces to speak about the gala of More Music in the Classroom platform and about the broadcast “5 years of Christmas Music Gala”. Queen Máxima is honorary chair of More Music in Classroom platform. The children spoke about the digital largest school band in the Netherlands and together they watched the result: the video clip of the new Christmas song.
Queen Maxima took part in the online presentation of State of SMEs 2020 Annual Report
On December 16, Queen Máxima took part in the online presentation of the annual report “State of the SMEs 2020” (MKB 2020) of the Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship. During the online meeting, Chairman Harold Goddijn presented the annual report to Mona Keijzer, Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate. Queen Máxima is a member of the Committee.